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dmlu's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by dmlu

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2804081

Missing building at +/- this location

closed 2549107


closed 1122098 Igor Russo

"крутая дешёвая франчезийня"
POI has no name
POI types: highway-pedestrian-area
OSM data version: 2017-07-28T09:42:02Z

closed 2841403 GuntherRedox


closed 3044895 Amadeuslu

Restaurant Kebab Nord

closed 767699 karitotp

Can someone confirm if this path is not public? Thanks

closed 1854913 Anne11

This is not a dead-end, but the foothpath continues down the mountain until it meets the road roughly 200 altitude meters below.

closed 2116296 HirschKauz

Hei ass dach eng BGL an net eng Spuerkeess ?!?
Di nächst Spuerkees ass su Hesper
Greets, Bob

closed 1279943 hgeneral

Trilho em muito mau estado, dificil de andar, cheio de obstaculos e silvas. Está marcado como PR

closed 2216015 afurquan

On the basis of our driver feedback and cross verifying it with private street imagery, I found the following issue to exist in this location. Since the street imagery is older, I would like to check if the issue still exist in this location. If you are going to survey or have local knowledge of this vicinity, please make necessary changes in OSM.

Issue : Access Restrictions - “vehicle=no”
Location : 49.6787328, 6.4455407
Proof : Sign Board 2019
Correction: Please add appropriate Access restrictions for Rue du Quartier (w111640229)


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