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denkapparat's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by denkapparat

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4242899 denkapparat

Unable to answer "How are the footpath and bicycle path laid out here?" – Path – via StreetComplete 57.3:

only footpath?

open 4209518 denkapparat

There's also a ramp here that criss-crosses the path (connected to the steps with a small landing each time).

via StreetComplete 57.2

open 4209481 denkapparat

Unable to answer "Is there tactile paving at the top and bottom of these steps?" – Steps – via StreetComplete 57.2:

This is a ramp. In addition there are stairs connecting the (upper level) path to the (lower level) sidewalk (in a straight-line extension of the path).

open 4180268 denkapparat

Unable to answer "Who is the operator of this charging station?" – Charging Station – via StreetComplete 57.0:

Zur Zeit abgebaut?

Attached photo(s):

closed 2695825 denkapparat

Unable to answer "Is this still here? (Recycling Container)" for via StreetComplete 32.0-beta1:

recycling for glass bottles, shoes, clothes is next to west side of parking area

closed 2695824 denkapparat

Unable to answer "Is it restricted who may park here?" for via StreetComplete 32.0-beta1:

no parking, blocked off by big boulders

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