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danfarina's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by danfarina

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2767839 danfarina

This is a prep table, at standing height, without chairs. I can't seem to find the right tag (it's not a picnic table, more of just a...table), so leaving it unitemized.

closed 3049333

The 15mph speed limits added in look questionable.

The state law that allows special school zone speed limits only applies within 500ft of schools, and the school zone 15mph signs I see around here in Mapillary say "...when children are present". The state only very recently changed the law to allow cities to set speed limits below 25mph and I haven't heard of SF changing any streets to less than 20mph yet. (see )

open 4386735 danfarina

This signaled intersection doesn't agree with aerial photography, it looks like it's a stop sign. I'll check it out later.

closed 2992567 danfarina

There is a large, vigorous stream here following the path, and a couple of bridges, but I don't have a good trace for it.

closed 3021891 danfarina

There is definitely a crossing here, it's the most direct way back to the campground.

closed 2767614 danfarina

Eight benches and a covered fire ring

closed 3095754 danfarina

389 suite 5 is here

closed 3050545 danfarina

There is a path bearing north here.

closed 3051790 danfarina

This is a path, forming a triangle

open 3014987 danfarina

Almost certain this is a public footpath, as is generally the case with paths between homes here.