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corrados's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by corrados

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Straßen Fulda

Super, freut mich sehr, dass noch jemand in Fulda aktiv wird. Hab' mich schon gewundert, wo die vielen neuen Straßen in Petersberg und Künzell herkamen :-).

Alle weiteren Infos (z.B. Mailinglist, etc.) kannst du der von mw67 genannten Seite im Wiki entnehmen.

Viele Grüße, Corrados

Messy situation with street refs in Germany

Thanks for that hint, I've written a mail to Frederik.

Messy situation with street refs in Germany

> Maybe one could run an automated job right before the osmarender process?

That would be my favourite solution to the problem. In this case we would get a consistent map.

Messy situation with street refs in Germany

I guess you are right, I'll rethink what I wrote in my last sentence...

I do not like "Copyright Easter Eggs"

I hope that you are right. What confuses me very much is one of the comments:

Is there an official statement that it is actually an April's fool's post?