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clair Penroselin

Mapper since:
August 06, 2020
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floweryme,com is very recent (less than 6 months) It is usually a bad sign. Most scam web sites use new domain names. Registered on:2020-06-16. Floweryme,com has a mail server. This is a good sign, but not a guarantee. HTTPS protocol detected. It protects users against man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks that can be launched from compromised or insecure networks.Floweryme,com is not popular.Floweryme,com is using shopify platform.To see more click this link:

A legitimate online site will always put all their information on their website.Floweryme doesn’t provide their information. We do not know their owner or their offices. No one will be held accountable if they steal from you. Don’t trust such sites at all. There are many legitimate and popular online shopping stores that you can buy quality products from.Those who have transacted with Floweryme should remove their card immediately. Remember to notify your bank if your money has been deducted by Floweryme without your consent.

Online users are advised to stay away from the untrustworthy website like Floweryme,com because those who shop from it run the risk of receiving counterfeit goods or nothing at all.We advise all our readers to buy products from well-known and reputable sites. There are many sites that have ill and selfish motives on the web. Do your research before doing business with any online platform. Avoid giving your personal information to any online platform.

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