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chinook17's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by chinook17

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 3587420 Jean-Baptiste Fournot

Do-you know if the new bike path between Lecourt and Notre-Dame is open ?

closed 3930689 thwarting8636

On-site confirmation required: According to municipal planning documents the cycleway on de Mentana between Laurier and Saint-Grégoire was schedule to be updated to a bidirectional cycle track/lane in 2023.

open 3930624 thwarting8636

On-site confirmation required: According to municipal planning documents the cycleway on William was scheduled to be extended in 2023 to include the section between de la Montagne and Guy.

closed 3930648 thwarting8636

On-site confirmation required: According to municipal planning documents a cycleway track was scheduled to be added here in 2023 (Prieur between Oscar and Gariépy).

open 3924116 chinook17

Je suis passé là aujourd'hui et j'ai remarqué que le panneau d'interdiction pour piétons et cyclistes n'y était plus.
Quelqu'un sait le pont est officiellement permis aux cyclistes maintenant pour que je mette bicycle=no à jour?

closed 3257829 DENelson83

Parc des Métallos

closed 3609270 Jean-Baptiste Fournot

This section between de l’esplanade and Park avenue will be closed in April.

closed 2819716 chinook17

piste cyclable manquante

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