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Mapper since:
March 15, 2019
Last map edit:
July 10, 2024

Ceci est le compte professionnel de (Namur, Belgique).

This is the professional account of (Namur, Belgium).

We use this account for editing on OSM only for the projects of our customers. Here are the projects we worked on so far:

NMBS-SNCB, January 2023

The national railway company of Belgium, NMBS/SNCB, has an interest in OSM data for improving some services to travelers, especially regarding accessibility data. Champs-Libres assist them to request and anlyse the OSM data, and may correct or improve indoor mapping in stations.

See here for more info.

Natagora, October 2019

On the request of Natagora, we add several marked trails in Belgium. The original source of the data are paper maps hold by Natagora. Marked trails were mapped as relations with at minimum the tags type=route, route=hiking & network=lwn. In addition, we added a reference tag (i.e., ref:natagora=*). The project is also described here.

Brugelette, Feb. 2019 - October 2019

On the request of the municipality of Brugelette, Belgium, we produced a new map of the municipality. The process involved several mapping parties with local people and training. All details about the project can be found on Meanwhile, we also update the OSM data in the municipality, together with @boisophieron and @FRW SG, particularly the following data:

  • buildings + address (using SPW PICC and ICAR sources)
  • landuse
  • public POI (social services, schools)
  • sidewalks
  • fix several errors using Osmose