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chaelo86's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by chaelo86

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3075965 chaelo86

part of Aringay Central Elementary School campus, this maybe the main campus

closed 3081093 chaelo86

Aringay CES East Compound

closed 3251341 jeffreyR

please change to "Hacienda Sr. Pedro Grill". Thanks!

closed 3247468 jeffreyR

Garden of Saints exact location

closed 2912265

Smiles on demand

closed 3051401 chaelo86

Smiles On Demand Outsourcing, a BPO company

closed 190774 GOwin

what is being tagged here?

closed 2503744 Rhiam

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours of pag-ibig (Government Office)?" for via StreetComplete 29.1:


closed 2503745 Rhiam

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours of Home Development Mutual Fund (Government Office)?" for via StreetComplete 29.1:


closed 1614354 TilSinc

"no natural waterfall. only abondent resort with restaurant still open."
POI name: Plunge Pool (under construction)
POI types: natural-water
OSM data version: 2018-10-30T22:25:02Z