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Mapper since:
January 20, 2013
Last map edit:
July 26, 2024


creation of the profile to add a few modifications in my neighbourhood


nothing much…. :(


I got interested in mapping on a long bike travel through Scotland in the summer, when I used OSMAnd and thought that a lot of useful informations (toilets, water points, camping, stores) where there (and that a lot where missing, too), so I went from mere user to tentative contributor.

My travel map: the map (based on Umap)


My main personal project was to map the Outer Hebrides as much as I could from aerial imagery: roads, buildings, landuses, lochs, streams and coast. I started from the south with buildings and a few lochs, and I intend to redraw more accurately all Lochs and coast. I hope it will help to build a better map of this amazing place. The buildings are almost all mapped now (over 13000 so far!)


I also map in France with surveys around me or I find mapping goals from architecture magazines where I learn about new buildings (particular interest in public buildings: schools, sport centers, libraries). I then try to map them and add what I can in the surroundings (other new buildings, roads, POI, landuses)

OSM wiki
