assanges's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by assanges
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
3662772 | hoha5432 | 此區域除了 66 號之外,皆因為都更而拆除完成 |
3804196 | Littlebtc | COMEBUY 台北中華店
3805636 | Mateusz Konieczny | shop=民俗表演 ? What is the meaning of that shop value? What kind of services or products are sold here? Is anything from fitting? Maybe new value needs to be invented? Maybe this data is wrong and there is no shop here? Maybe it is not a shop but something else? |
3784221 | B1 全聯超市 |
3662771 | hoha5432 | 此區域目前正在都更中,六棟皆已拆除 |
3790624 | 中原停車場 |
3805627 | Mateusz Konieczny | shop=觀光旅遊 ? What is the meaning of that shop value? What kind of services or products are sold here? Is anything from fitting? Maybe new value needs to be invented? Maybe this data is wrong and there is no shop here? Maybe it is not a shop but something else? |
3805628 | Mateusz Konieczny | shop=觀光旅遊 ? What is the meaning of that shop value? What kind of services or products are sold here? Is anything from fitting? Maybe new value needs to be invented? Maybe this data is wrong and there is no shop here? Maybe it is not a shop but something else? |
3048556 | 龍興橋 |
3048642 | 民權橋 |