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Mapper since:
December 16, 2007
Last map edit:
August 09, 2017

I enjoy the occasional mapping here in Colorado and use it as an excuse to go out and explore my surrounding and the Rocky Mountains.

Most of my time I have spare to devote to OSM however goes into helping developing parts of the software of OSM. Particularly the map rendering toolchain with osm2pgsql and mod_tile for which I am currently the maintainer.

I started off with OpenStreetMap in 2009, when I was looking for an offline map for my old feature phone, as I kept getting lost while cycling through london, and OSM was the only available option. I used and quickly started developing and improving GpsMid ( which is a java midlet to get vectorized osm data onto your phone for offline navigation. And I have “stuck” with OpenStreetMap ever since.

I also help maintain the Wikipedia efforts of integrating OpenStreetMap into Wikipedia on the toolserver.