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adreamy's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by adreamy

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3581954 chewey

What's going on here with the city boundary vs. other borders/the demarcation line?

I somehow don't think those should cross…

closed 4291626 록시너기


closed 4102477 adreamy

Prehistoric Petroglyphs at Pha Phak Wan

closed 3105977 mendines

Unable to answer "What surface does this path have here?" via StreetComplete 41.2:

발굴조사로 폐쇄 Area closed for archaeological excavation

Attached photo(s):

closed 3173460 Map Updater - UpdateLink

여기에 도로가 있었습니다. 도로를 추가해 주세요.

closed 3295242 Alignitems

도로 Bing에 맞추기/로터리 삭제(로터리 아님)

closed 3360568 SexyMarine


closed 3376647

연못이 아니라 중앙광장입니다.

closed 3379470


closed 3386146