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abc26324's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by abc26324

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 720 abc26324

Oat Sheaf Inn (former name/place)

open 2208154 abc26324

How far north does the ditch/embankment extend?

open 2202031 abc26324

Bunker here?

open 2201416 abc26324

How far does this boundary ditch/embankment go south?

open 2201415 abc26324

New shape of pond?

open 2201414 abc26324

Is there a wall surrounding this reservoir?

open 2201268 abc26324

Exact point of spring?

closed 2198724 abc26324

Where does the fence go?

closed 2198699 abc26324


open 2199607 abc26324

Fence to a single or double point?