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Zoyolin's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Zoyolin

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 3924419 Zoyolin

Land énergie is opened every other saturday (this saturday 7/10/2023 is closed)

via StreetComplete 54.0

open 4319046 Zoyolin

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" – Aquitec33 (Pool Supply Store) – via StreetComplete 58.1:

A company named TSG

open 4319044 Zoyolin

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" – L'île O Beauté (Beauty Shop) – via StreetComplete 58.1:

Now a heat pump shop

open 4318318 Zoyolin

Three glass containers here

via StreetComplete 58.0

closed 3019317 Zoyolin

Most of this street has parkings around

via StreetComplete 38.2

open 3019322 Zoyolin

Parking here

via StreetComplete 38.2

Attached photo(s):

closed 3019326 Zoyolin

This path doesn't exist

via StreetComplete 38.2

closed 4057117 Zoyolin

Unable to answer "What’s the surface firmness of this track?" for via StreetComplete 55.1:

This foot path only is hard to take even for hikers

Attached photo(s):

closed 4057118 Zoyolin

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this place?" for via StreetComplete 55.1:

Not a school anymore, it's a communal building. "Salle commune"

open 4154474 Zoyolin

Unable to answer "What’s the surface here?" – Foot Path – via StreetComplete 56.1:

This is either another staircase or, more probably an elevator!

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