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Zeppelin001's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Zeppelin001

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3545407 Zeppelin001

Is this ford really public? It seems that this belongs to the farm. I would also say it is just for agricultural vehicles

closed 3587880 WebFreak

Stimmen die vehicle access restrictions bei diesem parkhaus noch? (max height, max weight, access=customers) Wurde auf basis von 2017 Mapillary bildern gemappt.

Zusätzlich noch anzahl stockwerke bei der area eintragen (unklar wie zu mappen, da man auch auf dem dach parken kann)

closed 3565010 Crsi

Survey exact split positions, then split the buildings and fix the house numbers (house number '2-6' includes 3 and 5, which are not included in this building, apparently). Same goes for '8-12' and '14-16'.

closed 3544803 Crsi

Is here or somewhere near a charging station for electric cars?

closed 2926899 Geo-Tobi


closed 2926900 Geo-Tobi


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