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Yuxian's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Yuxian

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4233871 Yuxian

Unable to answer "What surface does this piece of road have?" – Track / Land-Access Road – via StreetComplete 57.3:

Bridge has been removed

closed 4156813 Yuxian

Unable to answer "Who is allowed to use this playground?" – Playground – via StreetComplete 57.1:

Bestaat dit nog?

closed 4156837 Yuxian

Unable to answer "What type of bollard is this?" – Bollard Row – via StreetComplete 57.1:

Is dit de juiste locatie?

closed 3807544 Yuxian

Is this bike shop still here? It looks vacant

via StreetComplete 53.3

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