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YoungAge's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by YoungAge

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4370894 YoungAge

Unable to answer "What’s the house number of this building?" – Semi-Detached House – via StreetComplete 58.2:

bisher nur eine Bodenplatte

open 4370893 YoungAge

Unable to answer "What’s the house number of this building?" – Semi-Detached House – via StreetComplete 58.2:

ist nur eine Bodenplatte

open 4365149 YoungAge

Unable to answer "How many cars can be charged here at the same time?" – Charging Station – via StreetComplete 58.2:

Ist nur ein Loch im Boden mit Kabeln drin, E-Ladesäulen befinden sich in der Nähe nicht.

closed 2758442 YoungAge

Unable to answer "How many lanes for cars does this road have?" for via StreetComplete 33.1:

dedizierte Linksabbieger-Spur in der Mitte

closed 2797672 YoungAge


via StreetComplete 33.2

closed 2770667 YoungAge

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 33.1:


closed 2770670 YoungAge

Unable to answer "How many steps are here?" for via StreetComplete 33.1:

das ist eine Mini-Fußgängerbrücke, keine Treppe

closed 2799759 YoungAge

Tischtennisplatte (Beton)

via StreetComplete 33.2

open 2801314 YoungAge

Unable to answer "What surface does this path have here?" for via StreetComplete 33.2:

Pflastersteine und Split

Attached photo(s):

closed 2754384 YoungAge

Unable to answer "Do you have to pay to park here?" for via StreetComplete 33.0:

Privatparkplätze für die Büros