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YjM's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by YjM

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4315283 YjM


via StreetComplete 58.1

open 4315282 YjM

Path, visibility mediocre, surface ground

via StreetComplete 58.1

GPS Trace:

closed 4298627 Mrs Addams

Státní hrad a zámek Horšovský Týn

closed 3588847


open 3707986 Fliedo

Unable to answer "What’s the surface here?" for via StreetComplete 53.0:

I don't know the correct answer. See image

Attached photo(s):

open 1752460

10 heinzuv rybník

open 4305356 YjM

Červená TZ teď vede při potoce.

open 4305355 YjM


closed 4229730 YjM

Elegant Fashion

via StreetComplete 57.2

closed 4229731 YjM

Cocktail bar Aura

via StreetComplete 57.2

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