Wulfmorn's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by Wulfmorn
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
4559330 | Eirik G | From here to the left is a private property with fences. |
4589497 | gangOgSykkelveg KV 19050
4434188 | Wulfmorn | This staircase is a bit overgrown. Maybe it's abandoned status via StreetComplete 59.0-beta1 Attached photo(s):
1328408 | ENTUR Johan Wiklund | Requesting higher detail mapping of what I believe is a bus station here. If anyone could contribute that would be great. |
4406751 | N65E10 |
4365874 | Ralpha | Roads are not connected here. via StreetComplete 58.2 |
4390131 | hoyd | "Andenes baptistkirke er riktig navn."
4334885 | braegel | What is this? A powerpole? |
4291702 | simpliston | Unable to answer "Is there a waste basket at this stop?" – Bus Platform – https://osm.org/way/221524293 via StreetComplete 58.0: There is no bus stop here anymore |
4351667 | Oskarst_ | Traktorvei/sti fra Høgstad til Solheim mangler. På dette punktet går det også en sti sørvest mot masta. Stiene er synlig i strava heatmap, DTM, Kartverket og i flyfoto. |