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WebFreak's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by WebFreak

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4355250 WebFreak

Karte mit Wegen hinter den Häusern hier (auch zum wege einzeichnen gut) - stehe im Bid westlich davon und Schild zeigt nach Osten)

via StreetComplete 58.2

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closed 4493686 WebFreak

todo for self: benches are nearly arranged in straight lines, should be able to see this on satellite. currently the benches are a jumbled mess on osm

via StreetComplete 59.2

closed 4135877 WebFreak

Unable to answer "How many levels above the basement does this building have?" – Retail Building – via StreetComplete 56.1:

ggf Eisbude / Verkaufsstand, kein Geschäftsgebäude

Attached photo(s):

closed 4523033 WebFreak

In context of overlay "Places" – Kochon (Delicatessen) – via StreetComplete 59.3:

shop no longer exists

Attached photo(s):

closed 3937734 WebFreak

Unable to answer "What kind of crossing is this?" for via StreetComplete 54.0:

this crossing seems to be there twice in the map data

closed 2544887 WebFreak

Unable to answer "Are there sound signals for the blind here?" for via StreetComplete 29.1:

piept nicht wenn grün, taktet die ganze zeit nur

closed 4500450

Dort befindet sich jetzt das "HI-SCORE" Videospiel-Museum.

open 4476353

Wayne's? Is Wikipedia right that it is now Waynes?

See's_Coffee with "Waynes, formerly known as Wayne's Coffee" claims that general rename happened in 2020

open 4499116 WebFreak

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" – Audika Hörselklinik – via StreetComplete 59.2:

on ground opening hours:
Bokade Besök:
Mo-Th 8:15-16:30 (except lunch)
Fr 8:15-14:00 (except lunch)
lunch: 12:00-12:30

Öppen mottagning / Drop in:
Mo-Fr 12:45-13:30

open 4493607 WebFreak

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" – SIXT (Car Rental) – via StreetComplete 59.2:

idk what this is

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