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Warin61's Diary Comments

Diary Comments added by Warin61

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Using suburb boundaries to align imagery & data in Burnie, Australia

I chose my name from an Aboriginal language. The number is ISD code for Australia. For UK things I use 44 and some other name.

Using suburb boundaries to align imagery & data in Burnie, Australia

Administrative boundaries don’t necessarily align with present features. Be cautious in aligning things. Good luck, it is a lot of work looking at realignments.

The beginning of my Local Mapper Journey.


For remembering shops along a road I take photos - saves trying to remember how they are spelt, the sequence .. If you do it ‘after hours’ (sunday?) then the doors are closed.

For OSM tags the OSM wiki can be used. amenity=drinking_water is not specific - could be a river with good water. man_made=drinking_fountain is very specific. See

Public Transport V2 - many routes are invalid...

I have ‘done’ a number of train routes now. My thinking in the position of ‘public_transport=stop_position’ has changed to make it the centre of the train, not where the driver stops. Reason: Train lengths vary and with that the driver stop position changes, but the train center does not. The only exception to this are short platforms where the stop position is adjacent the centre of the platform. This would be useful for passengers as an indication of where to gather for catching the train, there should be more of them than drivers and so of more use to most map users.

I think a similar thing goes for ferries … should be the entry position for the passengers or the center of them.

Buses however have the passenger entry near the driver, with a few exceptions.

4th Week of Adding points to open street map

Looks good.

On the recalibration of all bus routes

Think you want to keep it fairly local. Not everywhere in the world.

On the recalibration of all bus routes

All bus routes?? Anywhere is the world?!

Deep Dive: natural=coastline

I’d think ‘land’ does not include waterways, lakes etc. Using the coastline to define ‘land’ would include these water features. Many coastlines do not follow rivers ‘inland’ but have simple lines across their mouths to define the coastline. As an approximation it works .. but at a fine scale it misses things.

Quick update on Maxar imagery

It is an issue that OSM will need to deal with. If OSM does not deal with it then other imagery providers may well fall to the same over use problem.

Quick update on Maxar imagery

Could HOT projects cache the tiles it uses - reducing Maxar loads?

Quick update on Maxar imagery

In my area of the world Maxar tends to have the most up to date imagery, so it is a useful check that things still exist or not. I do tend to use other imagery for detail as some of them have more resolution.

Map Key

Take a look at what one render offers :

What language do you want to see? Roads only? What style of map? Do you want to see public transport? Do you want to see bicycle/hiking routes ?

The possibilities are very large… OSM has lots avalible for renders to chose what they want to show on their maps.

Fibre Optique PM

colour NOT color


Why do you not do it yourself?

First Entry

This project? OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. Read

The project has no information on tracking or disabling tracking Seek help elsewhere.

Public Transport Overhaul

It may now be broken, it may not have been broken in the past.

By keeping the history you can see who has contributed to the information. It gives some idea of how it has evolved.

Generally it is a courtesy thing to do.

Public Transport Overhaul

I would suggest you do one route at a time.

Modify the old route relation to the new data. This keeps the history of the route/relation.

Understanding How Others Map Roads and Rivers

You can find details of things on the OSM wiki. Use it. But do think about what it says .. sometimes it does not make sense and then you should ask questions. As alway .. if you cannot make it out .. don’t tag it, leave it for others to add the detail.

Where you can see a bridge, map it

layer = 1 .. so it goes over the river bridge = yes .. generally, details ?

If it is not a bridge, then it could be a ford or a culvert. A ford is where the river goes over the road - same layer so that does not need to be tagged. But if the river is a simple way then the ford should be a single node that both the river and highway share - and then tag the node as ford=yes. Only when the river has mapped river banks do you need to map the extent of the ford as part of the highway using a segment with the tag ford=yes.


If a culvert .. it is the river that goes into the culvert .. so tag that layer=-1 (goes under the road, some think that the river is actually layer=0 and the road should be tagged layer=1) tunnel = culvert

should everything be grouped into one mega relation


Not everyone wants the whole world .. with everything.

Blocked do to attempted changes of Village to weather station

It is not easy starting out.

Read the OSM wiki -

Search on it for the item that you are trying to map, there is a search box on the top right of the wiki page.

If in doubt - ask..