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Vincèn's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Vincèn

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3334442 Vincèn

Unable to answer "This shop has been vacant. What’s here now?" for via StreetComplete 45.2:

Aire de jeu pour enfant

closed 3445829 RemiBovard

Il devrait y avoir un défibrillateur dans la Migros, à contrôler sur place.

closed 3676716 EpicSaxGuy

bus 16 ruote is wrong

closed 3358680 Vincèn

Unable to answer "How wide is the road here?" for via StreetComplete 45.2:

Esplanade ouverte !

closed 3358681 Vincèn

Unable to answer "How wide is the road here?" for via StreetComplete 45.2:

Esplanade ouverte

closed 3392252 Vincèn

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this place?" for via StreetComplete 47.0:

Pas de nom car il s'agit d'une fontaine plublique et un espace bibliothèque publique a coté

closed 3317008 Vincèn

Unable to answer "What kind of parking is this?" for via StreetComplete 45.2:

N'existe plus !

closed 3105971 Vincèn

Unable to answer "What’s the width of this road here?" for via StreetComplete 41.2:

Aucun sens c'est une place ou les bus circulent !

closed 3050965 Vincèn

Unable to answer "How many motorcycles can be parked here?" for via StreetComplete 40.0:

Obsolète n'existe plus !

closed 2890028 Vincèn

Unable to answer "Do these traffic lights have a button to request a walk signal?" for via StreetComplete 35.0:

pas de feu a ce croisement !

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