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VekasAlbert's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by VekasAlbert

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4432610 VekasAlbert

There is no name for this bridge. Please delete the name KORNYA MIHÁLY.

closed 4432608 VekasAlbert

This is not a public street. Is private area, pls delete the street from map.
Way: 841364072

closed 4432609 VekasAlbert

This is not a public street. Is private area, pls delete from map.

closed 3762832 Jay May

What is the Romanian name?

closed 3762833 Jay May

What is the Romanian name?

closed 3762839 Jay May

What is the Romanian name?

closed 3762838 Jay May

What is the Romanian name?

closed 3762834 Jay May

What is the Romanian name?