Vclaw's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by Vclaw
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
953900 | Vclaw | Check name - where does it change from Old Evanton Road to Back Road? |
869913 | Vclaw | Check speed limit - now 20 mph? |
1484735 | Vclaw | Path into the woods, check where it goes |
1484746 | Vclaw | Garages replaced by houses? Check road layout around here. |
667620 | Vclaw | path continues, check whether it links to Craig Phadrig paths |
1193840 | Vclaw | new footbridge over river, somewhere near here? |
803360 | Vclaw | Check speed limits - which streets are now 20 mph? |
186513 | Vclaw | new 20 mph speed limit, need to map roads it covers |
475908 | Vclaw | new housing development around here, survey streets and paths etc |
1317214 | SK53 | CC were taken over by Edinburgh Woollen Mills. Needs checking. |