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UrgBurg93's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by UrgBurg93

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3569199 UrgBurg93

Originally put down gravel but there is a mix of gravel and some sections and asphalt in others

via StreetComplete 51.0

closed 3563639 UrgBurg93

Speed limit 45mph

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closed 3569303 UrgBurg93

I am noticing that the GPS location in the road don't necessarily line up

via StreetComplete 51.0

closed 3569235 UrgBurg93

Missing truck weigh station

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closed 3563645 UrgBurg93

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this street?" for via StreetComplete 51.0:

Private access for School deliveries.

closed 3563177 UrgBurg93

Unable to answer "Who is allowed to use this playground?" for via StreetComplete 51.0:

There is the possibility for public access but I'm not sure if the school allows it or not

closed 3563168 UrgBurg93

Missing house

via StreetComplete 51.0

closed 3587736 UrgBurg93

Unable to answer "What surface does this piece of road have?" for via StreetComplete 51.1:

Currently snow covered. Looks to be gravel in patches however

closed 3587740 UrgBurg93

Unable to answer "What surface does this piece of road have?" for via StreetComplete 51.1:

Covered in snow

open 3569173 UrgBurg93

Unable to answer "Is there a shelter at this stop?" for via StreetComplete 51.0:

I don't see a bus stop here

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