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The Temecula Mapper's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by The Temecula Mapper

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3365197 UnnervedOnion

Is this Wendy's disused?

closed 1236418 oanac2_telenav

Does anyone know what's the status on this roads in construction?

open 1237054 oanac2_telenav

from what I've read about, the expansion of Pechanga Resort started in 2015 and should have finished in 2017. Does anyone know what's the status on it and can you update road geometry?

closed 1560884 The Temecula Mapper

Hello from Temecula! Doing an audit of Map Notes in Temecula and found this one that was opened from 2018. I found that the leisure:park and amenity:school area tags currently match the current borders of the actual park and school grounds respectively. The border separating the two is the fencing just left of the baseball field. No changes needed as it looks like this was fixed but map note never closed.

Happy Mapping!

closed 3271505 DJTechYT

building 800 isn't visible on the map as a gray area, unlike the other buildings in the school.

closed 1562321 Brian@Brea

Looking at the area, there appears to be not to many issues with the mapping. It beyond what I would map for a residential area but none it looks to wrong. Now as it comes to neighborhood definitions there is some clean up for sure

closed 511117

35055 Via Del Ponte, Temecula, CA 92592

closed 722604

Entrance to Santa Margarita River Trail (OSM data version: 2016-07-15T17:38:02Z) #mapsme

closed 739662

Temecula Valley Hospital

closed 67704 Baloo Uriza

Braided intersection.