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Stiftelsen Glaskogen

Mapper since:
March 29, 2023
Last map edit:
April 06, 2023

Stiftelsen Glaskogens naturreservat

Värmlands biggest natur reserve Glaskogen offers 300 km of hiking trails.

You buy the Glaskogen card when you hike, paddle and cycle in the nature reserve and use firewood and fireplaces, wind shelters, overnight cabins, dustbins and toilets that are in the nature reserve.

Your contribution makes a difference and increases our opportunities to offer even better service in the future. All for you to have a magical and easy wilderness experience. The money paid for the Glaskogen card goes directly to the care and maintenance of the area.

Overnight stay a maximum of two days per place and time. The card is not valid for overnight stays at the campsite in Lenungshammar.

Children under 16 free. For a group discount, contact Glaskogen or a dealer.
