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Social Networks Use For Careers

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December 20, 2021
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Social networks - an auxiliary tool in the recruiter’s work Hiring managers do not hide the fact that in their professional activities they regularly use social networks to search for potential employees, to check the data indicated in resumes for compliance, to periodically monitor their employees.

You can read even more information about how to use social media in your career here:

Thematic forums, groups of interest, professional networks LinkedIn are often sources of a search for professionals, as they help to learn about the professional views, skills, and experience of a person. Facebook, Reddit, Twitter - this is where most people spend their time online.

“It is quite possible to find out about obvious or hidden hobbies, interests, manner of communication, adequacy and even about the propensity to cheat on the profile in social networks. It is enough to review the history for six months, a year, or even since the creation of the profile, “- says Tatiana Rudyk, HR Lead of Robosoft LLC.

“It happens, the person indicates in the resume as personal trait communication skills, but is not present in the network, neither under his own nor under other people’s nickname. There were also cases when classical music and sports were declared as hobbies, and the Vkontakte profile was overloaded with repostings of pornographic nature and personal photos with alcohol. Not that they are totally mutually exclusive hobbies, but they are thought-provoking.

Social media is a great auxiliary tool for finding and controlling employees. But it’s important to remember that the virtual world is not always a mirror image of the real world. This or that behavior can be addictive, and it is important to know the reason for it in order to correctly interpret it.

Social media is not only a tool for employers, but also for job seekers It’s important for CEOs, recruiters, and rank-and-file employees to adhere to a corporate social media culture. After all, an interested job seeker and potential professional will be looking for information not only about the company, but also about its representatives, and not necessarily just public ones.

The culture of communication in the network is such that everything said as a personal opinion is easily interpreted by those interested as the opinion of the organization whose representative the interlocutor may be