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Self-Perfection's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Self-Perfection

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4325257 Self-Perfection

In context of overlay "Buildings" – via StreetComplete 58.1:


closed 4293210 Self-Perfection

intersection with the road


closed 4303523 Self-Perfection

ferris wheel


closed 3856039 Self-Perfection

дорога на реконструкции

closed 4254513 Self-Perfection



open 4254918 Self-Perfection

Check if ruins are really here

closed 3810927 Self-Perfection

река Лаура судя по знаку

closed 4246432 Self-Perfection

building construction


closed 4230169 Self-Perfection

basketball field


closed 4092850 Self-Perfection

These should be man_made=planter and probably barrier=planter

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