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Ryan L Welsh's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Ryan L Welsh

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 3486512 Ryan L Welsh

2022-12-21: I've re-worked the traffic circle (previous build had some disconnected pathways) according to several roundabout tutorials and OSM wiki. However, testing a car navigation route across HWY 9 routes north and around, rather than through the circle as it should.

I don't know if this is a legitimate issue with how I set it up, or just lag time for all the changes to cache up and sync.

Will need to review this in a few days and see if the routing automagically improves, or if this still needs some love.

open 3486513 Ryan L Welsh

NEW COSTCO here. Obviously, aerials are not yet updated. GPS tracking survey needed to find all of the parking aisles and service roads, mark out the warehouse, and the gas station.

open 3488790 Ryan L Welsh

There is now a man-made reservoir down in this gully off of the new S Lake Stevens Rd addition. I don't have any data on dimensions of the area, so this should be added later as new aerial data becomes available.

open 3487520 Ryan L Welsh

Beyond this bollard headed south, according to street view, there appears to be a trail or path into the woods. This could use some GPS tracking to define the trails/paths beyond.

closed 3481753 Ryan L Welsh

Man Overboard Games does not exist at this location. I did an in-person walk-by today to verify. (I was curious when I found it listed on this map and went to find out.)

closed 3486511 Ryan L Welsh

2022-12-21: I've re-worked the traffic circle (previous build had some disconnected pathways) according to several roundabout tutorials and OSM wiki. However, testing a car navigation route across HWY 9 routes north and around, rather than through the circle as it should.

I don't know if this is a legitimate issue with how I set it up, or just lag time for all the changes to cache up and sync.

Will need to review this in a few days and see if the routing automagically improves, or if this still needs some love.

closed 2821288 archpdx

Looks more like a residential road than a service road

closed 1301132

There should be an easement road called "Jacob's rd" here

open 3297835 LocalLoco

Add paths

closed 3280318

Lake Stevens Disc Golf Course

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