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Richard's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Richard

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2089668 Richard

Is there a slipway here? Not clear from imagery.

closed 1956275 Richard

New off-road NCN 4 under construction between Pontypridd and Tonyrefail

open 550445 Richard

Quite a lot of the POIs round here have name tags that aren't really names

open 3931532 Richard

Lots of "HDC" cycle routes around here. These don't appear to be signposted, "HDC" is not a consumer-facing ref in any case, and as far as I can tell they were just taken from leaflets or a defunct website. Just delete them maybe?

open 227570 Richard

I think there's a cycle route here now.

closed 1422869 Richard

NCN route?

open 4102036 Richard

Overlapping cycleway and service road here, needs sorting

closed 2809787 Richard

New East Coast Greenway route goes this way:

closed 940314 Richard

Light industry here demolished and new railway station car park built (not visible on imagery, needs survey)

open 170523 Richard

More railway to do either side here

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