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Raitisx's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Raitisx

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3752058 HellMap

Where does the living zone start/end on this road? Is it even a full street?

closed 3188611 HellMap

Living zone starts here, no idea how far it goes, need survey. Appears to be a newish change.

closed 3188498 HellMap

Living zone starts here, no idea how far it goes, need survey. Appears to be a newish change.

closed 3290643 flohoff

I could not find this bank or an atm. outdated or am I looking wrong ?

closed 3371860

Grass, slipway

closed 2813731

20-08-21 Начались ремонтные работы на велодорожке.

closed 3097813


closed 2873059 HellMap

Not sure where the path leads.

closed 1838086 laimab


closed 2905971 klusumz

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours of Pārtikas veikals (Convenience Store)?" for via StreetComplete 36.1:

Dārza centrs