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Rafis Bagautdinov's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Rafis Bagautdinov

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3905764 Rafis Bagautdinov

Unable to answer "What sport is played here?" for via StreetComplete 54.0:

It's only have lines more likely for volleyball. But there is not any gate or net It's only asphalt and lines

closed 3046438 Rafis Bagautdinov

Unable to answer "Who is allowed to park here? Parking may be free or paid." for via StreetComplete 39.1:


closed 3078146 Rafis Bagautdinov

Unable to answer "Does this bench have a backrest?" for via StreetComplete 41.0:

Скамейка с другой стороны дороги и она со спинкой

closed 3068641 Rafis Bagautdinov

Unable to answer "Is this stretch of way lit?" for via StreetComplete 40.2:

Сложно ответить однозначно

closed 3064511 Rafis Bagautdinov

Unable to answer "What is the height of this curb?" for via StreetComplete 40.1:

В указанном направлении движения по тротуару нет перехода, следовательно там все бордюры как скраю проезжей части

closed 3057361 Rafis Bagautdinov

Unable to answer "Who is allowed to park here? Parking may be free or paid." for via StreetComplete 40.0:

Со шлакбаумом для въезда в дворовую территорию

closed 3057362 Rafis Bagautdinov

Тут шлакбаум

via StreetComplete 40.0

Attached photo(s):

closed 3056178 Rafis Bagautdinov

Unable to answer "What is the name of this place? (Newspaper/Magazine Shop)" for via StreetComplete 40.0:

В этой точке нет точки продажи газет. И вообще за последний год не видел там газетного киоска

closed 3054727 Rafis Bagautdinov

Unable to answer "What surface does this piece of road have?" for via StreetComplete 40.0:

За плотными воротами не видно

closed 3054715 Rafis Bagautdinov

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 40.0:

Это речная пожарная часть

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