Qing_Jue's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by Qing_Jue
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
3808549 | 仁和美地 |
3808197 | 大亚湾蔚蓝 |
4237117 | deleted | deleted |
3725308 | 惠州大亚湾万达广场 |
2940582 | 惠州南 |
3152552 | 灿邦新天地 |
3152553 | 灿邦新天地购物中心 |
2820916 | Qing_Jue | CHN:B811路班次极少,请注意车辆发出时间,以免耽误出行owo!
The timetable of B811(to Shenzhen Pingshan integrated transportation hub station):
2820910 | Qing_Jue | CHN:M440路班次极少,请注意车辆发出时间,以免耽误出行owo!
The timetable of M440(to Shui Zu Ken):
2820903 | Qing_Jue | CHN:B811路班次极少,请注意车辆发出时间,以免耽误出行owo!
The timetable of B811(to RuiJing TongYu Crossing):