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Pro9's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Pro9

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3628679 Pro9

Unable to answer "What’s the name of this place?" for via StreetComplete 52.0:


open 3611068 Pro9

Väg, privat

via StreetComplete 51.1

GPS Trace:

open 3609692 Pro9

Unable to answer "Does this crosswalk have tactile paving on both sides?" for via StreetComplete 51.1:

Ingen övergång

open 2821970 dvzrv

60 zone start

via StreetComplete 33.2

open 3585470 Pro9

Byte av beläggning, grus till mark

via StreetComplete_ee 51.1

open 3585468 Pro9

Väg, grus

via StreetComplete_ee 51.1

GPS Trace:

open 3585397 Pro9

Privat väg till nr 22

via StreetComplete_ee 51.1

GPS Trace:

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