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Mapper since:
January 24, 2022
Last map edit:
June 23, 2024


My name is Ponciano da Costa de Jesus, I'm from Timor-Leste, take my Bachelor degree at the National University of Timor-Lorosa'e majoring in geology and petroleum engineering.

Started mapping career in OpenStreetMap since August 2022. Become advance mapper since December 2022, now represented Validator member in East Timor.

Founder and Chairperson in G-SIG Timor-Leste one of the volunteer association in Timor-Leste focus on strengthening and sharing information with the community, young academics, NGOs and government related to geoscience activities such as environmental risks, climate change, natural disasters, natural resources and promote the use of geospatial data through geographic information systems in Timor-Leste.

Participated in Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Open Mapping Guru Program during six months from January-June 2023. Currently still active in the second bath OMGuru 2024

Participated in Open Mapping Hub Asia-Pacific Mentorship Program during five months from June - October 2023 focus on OSM Community Building in Timor-Leste.

If you want to discuss more with me about OpenStreetMap, please reach me out by the following account:

  1. Facebook: Ponciano da Costa de Jesus

  2. Linkedin: Ponciano da Costa de Jesus

  3. OSM Profile: Ponsyano

  4. My Email:

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