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Peter Agenga

Mapper since:
September 13, 2016
Last map edit:
July 25, 2024

I am a Cartographer by profession and the training Lead for The Training Working Group at OSM Kenya. I am currently employed at LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority where I handle all the duties that pertain to a Cartographer.

I started mapping on OSM in 2016. I have so far made great contributions towards many development and Humanitarian projects across the world in partnership with Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team (HOT), USAID, UNHCR, World Bank Group, Locate IT and Red Cross Society.

I am also a HOT Data Quality Internship alumni for the year 2021. During the twelve week program [September to November], I collaborated with 18 fellow interns in mapping & validating a wide range of humanitarian projects across twelve countries in the global south. The program was supported by Meta and included technical training from Mapbox, OSGeo and Kontur. It also involved in-depth training in a wide range of geospatial tools including JOSM, iD, RapiD, Overpass Turbo, OSMCha and OSMose.

Another key highlight of my contribution has been collaborating with OPEN MAPPING HUB-EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA in the Satellite Imagery For Social Good Project & also in The Kakuma Kalobeyei Mapping Project. I was tasked with coordinating the OSM Kenya team in digitizing ammenities in Nakuru, Naivasha & Turkana counties respectively. The data would later be used for flood management (for the case of Nakuru City) and for Humanitarian interventions in Turkana.

As the OSM Kenya Training Working Group Lead, I am tasked with training new osm users, coordinating mapping & validation activities hence promoting data quality within the OSM space.