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Oliken's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Oliken

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 3982877 Oliken

"I do not know how to fit the full local address or house numbering system to what can be done in Organic Maps. But this is what the business card for the B&B at the address uses in English:
1 Chome-13-38 Higawa, Naha City, Okinawa"
OSM snapshot date: 2023-09-20T00:34:57Z
POI has no name
POI types: building
#organicmaps android

closed 1849598 Oliken

"É um produtor de vinho (excelente) e não (só) uma loja de vinho, mas não encontrei este categoria."
POI name: Casa de Saima
POI types: shop-wine
OSM data version: 2019-06-21T10:47:15Z

closed 1828339 Oliken

"O mini mercado fica no outro lado da rua, aqui: 40.643762, -8.654705. Não sei como alterar o posição."
POI name: Mini Mercado Adélia
POI types: shop-convenience
OSM data version: 2019-05-17T13:54:02Z

closed 1744661 Oliken

"This restaurant has closed down. Now the restaurant "Gengibre" is here (at the moment erroneously indicated as being a couple of houses further down the street)."
POI name: Mina Funchal
POI types: amenity-restaurant
OSM data version: 2019-03-14T00:11:02Z

closed 1744660 Oliken

"The location of the property is not correct. It should be: 32.649, -16.908899.
Currently another restaurant is described as being at this location: "Mina Funchal", but it was discontinued and now "Gengibre" is there."
POI name: Gengibre - Alimentação Saudavel
POI types: amenity-restaurant cuisine-vegan cuisine-vegetarian
OSM data version: 2019-03-14T00:11:02Z

closed 1749177 Oliken

"It is a record and book shop"
POI name: Minigroove
POI types: shop-stationery
OSM data version: 2019-03-28T14:13:02Z

closed 1749169 Oliken

"Es ist ein Plattenladen, nicht ein Buchladen, aber meinen Handy-App schafft das leider nicht."
POI name: Freiheit & Roosen
POI types: shop-books
OSM data version: 2019-03-28T14:13:02Z

closed 1741594 Oliken

"This is a record shop, loja de discos, not a book shop, but I could not find the correct category in the app."
POI name: Drogaria Central Loja de Discos
POI types: shop-stationery
OSM data version: 2019-03-14T00:11:02Z

closed 1450395 Oliken

"Zip code supposed to be F91 P89X, but this was not accepted by the app."
POI name: An Cruiscin Lan B&B
POI types: tourism-hotel internet_access-wlan
OSM data version: 2018-05-26T22:39:02Z

closed 1436169 Oliken

"2 Longlands, Malahide Road"
POI name: Tirconaill B&B
POI types: tourism-guest_house
OSM data version: 2018-05-26T22:39:02Z

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