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Obny's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Obny

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 4285365 Obny

Terrain de basket (atypique, triangulaire)

via StreetComplete 58.0

open 4346405 Obny

Unable to answer "Is this still here?" – Générali V. Droniou-Le Levier Agent général (Insurance Office) – via StreetComplete 58.0:


Attached photo(s):

open 3781672 LudovicG

Unable to answer "Is this still here?" for via StreetComplete 53.2:

Atelier de création Laurence H

open 4285373 Obny

4 terrains de pétanque

via StreetComplete 58.0

open 4285350 Obny

In context of overlay "Things" – Play Structure – via StreetComplete 58.0:

Structure pour vélo, roller, skateboard...

open 4242401 Obny

vérifier les nouveaux bâtiments et intersections le long de l'avenue


open 4204782 Obny

In context of overlay "Things" – Artwork – via StreetComplete 57.1:

This is a gas installation. I don't see any piece of art here.

open 4203594 Obny

Unable to answer "Is this still here?" – Highfield House hotel (Hotel) – via StreetComplete 57.1:

Vallée the highfield town house

open 4203353 Obny

Unable to answer "Is this still here?" – The Edgbaston Hotel (Hotel) – via StreetComplete 57.1:

This is called Baloci

open 4202045 Obny

Unable to answer "What type of bicycle rental is this?" – Tennis Court Halls (Bicycle Rental) – via StreetComplete 57.1:

I don't see anything bike-related here