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Msiipola's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Msiipola

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3054885

2 newly built apartment complexes
with the street adress: Babordsgatan 2, 72359 Västerås, please update this

closed 4017961 DareDJ

Our users indicate this street name is: "Stensbo". We cannot find any available sources to verify this information. Can any local mappers confirm this? #msftopenmaps

closed 4346809

Move bus stop Smältverksgatan to here.

closed 3731315 DrSegatron

Map new residential area

closed 2960979 Msiipola

Hela Bäckby centrum behöver ses över med avseende på byggnader, bil- och cykelvägar.

closed 4112711 Mike Shep

I think this is the place where Skälbygatan bus stop should be

closed 4112713 Mike Shep

This is the boarding bus stop for Skälby

closed 2761416 EmanuelX

Almost everything about Nya Skälby lacks a lot of information. The satelite images are old and there is a lot of new buildings and roads in this area that needs to be mapped

closed 3911870 DrSegatron

New area with gas station, restaurant and lorry rest stop

closed 4319097 Mekanoid

Här är det numera en rondell

via StreetComplete 58.1

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