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Mikkeljae's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Mikkeljae

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 1946591 Mikkeljae

"I was there. It is no longer a museum "
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: Русский Культурный Центр
POI types: building tourism-museum
OSM data version: 2019-08-30T18:41:13Z

closed 1974972 Mikkeljae

"I added it on the wrong side of the river"
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-restaurant
OSM data version: 2019-09-09T23:32:17Z

closed 1962145 Mikkeljae

POI name: 长城
POI types: barrier-city_wall highway-footway historic-citywalls hwtag-yesfoot
OSM data version: 2019-08-30T18:41:13Z

closed 2011492 Mikkeljae

"small restaurant"
POI name: Mì Quang Xí
POI types: amenity-restaurant
OSM data version: 2019-08-30T18:41:13Z

closed 2022631 Mikkeljae

"Place is not here anymore "
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: Giant Ibis Bus
POI types: amenity-bus_station
OSM data version: 2019-10-19T16:52:54Z

closed 2020558 Mikkeljae

"It is on the opposite side"
The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: Rachana
POI types: tourism-hotel
OSM data version: 2019-10-19T16:52:54Z

closed 1967808 Mikkeljae

"a supermarket in a big mall"
POI has no name
POI types: shop-supermarket
OSM data version: 2019-09-09T23:32:17Z

open 1931558 Mikkeljae

"a guesthouse associated with CTB and numbered 19"
POI has no name
POI types: tourism-guest_house
OSM data version: 2019-07-27T07:02:33Z

open 1922056 Mikkeljae

"A small place with 4 pools filled with water from hot springs in the ground."
POI has no name
POI types: natural-spring
OSM data version: 2019-07-27T07:02:33Z

closed 1883709 Mikkeljae

"a wooden bench for 2-3"
POI has no name
POI types: amenity-bench
OSM data version: 2019-06-21T10:47:15Z

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