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Michiel van der Wulp's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Michiel van der Wulp

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
open 4283417 Michiel van der Wulp

Is there really a charging station here at the door? I don't think so...

closed 3873892

Vivenkapelle is geen deelgemeente en is deel van deelgemeente Damme. Vivenkapelle heeft dan administratief niveau 10.

closed 1237197 Michiel van der Wulp

Unable to answer "What is the name of this road?" for via StreetComplete 3.2:

these star shaped roads do not exist- it is just a square

closed 725983 Math1985

Here is located Galeria Horta, it needs to be mapped sometime during its opening hours

closed 867810 daganzdaanda

It looks like a piece of road is missing here, between Ehaekpen Street and Plymouth Road. Local survey needed...

closed 588144 Michiel van der Wulp

Hier staat toch helemaal geen gebouw?
Wat betekent ref:UrbIS 6118546 ??
Mag dit weg?

closed 554502 Michiel van der Wulp

Is this an underground structure?
I see nothing here on the aerials.

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