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Matija Nalis's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Matija Nalis

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3699366 mnalis ALTernative


via StreetComplete 53.0

Attached photo(s):

closed 2734621 LucidTanooki

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours of Bistro Tomislav (Cafe)?" for via StreetComplete 32.1:

Apartman Viktorija

closed 3801939 2tefan

Bus station

via StreetComplete_ee 53.32

closed 2497978 Mamutinka user reports: there are a public swimming pool, toilets, changing rooms, stairs to the river

closed 3801940 2tefan

Bus station

via StreetComplete_ee 53.32

closed 3928744 szaliony

Unable to answer "What type of tourist information is this?" for via StreetComplete 54.0:

This is a museum, so it's not so much a tourist information stand as a museum reception.

closed 3698604 mnalis ALTernative

conpacted gnd jug, asf good n

via StreetComplete 53.0

Attached photo(s):

closed 3698618 mnalis ALTernative

historic firebrigade vehicle

closed 3698599 mnalis ALTernative


via StreetComplete 53.0

closed 3697380 mnalis ALTernative

gravel na n do swinggate a compacted gnd jug

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