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Martin Chovanec's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Martin Chovanec

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 3845227 Martin Chovanec

I heard from locals this used to be a railway, perhaps some tags can be added.

Podle místních tudy vedla železnice, potenciálně je možné doplnit tagy

closed 2012926 Martin Chovanec

I believe gauge=1435;1520 mm ends in Mostiska 2.

Can someone confirm it?

closed 2878919 Martin Chovanec

On the ground, it looks like this path does not exist anymore.

Am Ort sieht es so aus als ob es den Weg nicht mehr gäbe.

closed 2523392 Martin Chovanec

Does this spur really have voltage of 3000 V?

closed 2863174 Martin Chovanec

Here they refer to the place in Italian as Forcella S. Silvestro, not S. Silvester - perhaps the name is wrong on the map?

closed 2539782 Mamutinka

Forwarding anonymous report from user, please verify: Tato trať mezi Revúcou a Tisovcem neexistuje, byla sice rozestavěná, ale nikdy nebyla dokončená (tzv. Gemerské spojky). Koleje na místě nejsou.

closed 2832207 Pan Perníček

Forwarding anonymous report from user, please verify: There's no spring.

closed 2562291 Martin Chovanec

I don't think this is Lavertezzo as relation 1684693 suggests

open 1999277 Martin Chovanec

Mediterranean Steps lead closer to the rock (November 2019).

I have recorded and uploaded two GPS tracks covering a part of the new(?) route. The rest is missing because I realised the inconsistency too late.

closed 1904591 Martin Chovanec

Some map layers show Mar da Palha as water, some as land. Why?

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