Maqui's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by Maqui
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
4411824 | Maqui | Unable to answer "How are the footpath and bicycle path laid out here?" – Cycle Path – via StreetComplete_ee 58.21: No crossing |
3197627 | Maqui | Street name is not right.
via StreetComplete 43.0 |
3115683 | Maqui | Please add latin translation
via StreetComplete 42.0 |
3115684 | Maqui | Please add latin translation - "Cara Lazara" via StreetComplete 42.0 |
3197626 | Maqui | Its number 22 not 14! via StreetComplete 43.0 |
2010099 | Maqui | "Closed"
2010100 | Maqui | "This is continuation of Borivoja Mišića street."
1516944 | Maqui | "Invalid name, should be "Stevana Bananjina""
1516945 | Maqui | "Invalid name, should be "Obradoviceva""