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MScanlon's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by MScanlon

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Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2808698 MScanlon

This is a Private Road, with the gates locked, should this be displayed on the map?

open 4256090 MScanlon

Oakwood House Hotel is no longer a hotel but is used by Kent County Council for the Coroners Court, Adult Education, Registry Office and for Adoption Services

open 4250474 MScanlon

A new traffic calming measure has been built here, after referring to the OSM Wiki, I am not sure if this should be classed as a "Choker" or not

closed 2284488 MScanlon

Footpath and Dyke missing, footpath leads from Third Avenue to St Christophers Close and a split to Second Avenue. Dyke Runs from Canvey Road (near jct with Dyke Crescent) to Waterside Farm Sports Centre - running parallel with missing footpath, Church Parade and Somnes Avenue

closed 3560080 MScanlon

Victoria Street between the junctions of Wilton Road and Bressenden Place now operates with a Contraflow Bus Lane

open 4086262 MScanlon

NHS Vaccination Centre is now closed

open 4086261 MScanlon

Zara is now closed

open 4086258 MScanlon

Park and Ride and Car Park are now closed

closed 2351974 MScanlon

There is now a retail park here with M&S Simply Food, B&M and Sports Direct

closed 3938535 MScanlon

The ground is no longer called the Breyer Group stadium, has reverted back to Brisbane Road Stadium

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