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MAPconcierge's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by MAPconcierge

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 746115 MAPconcierge

通行止め (OSM data version: 2016-09-19T14:38:03Z) #mapsme

closed 1148764 MAPconcierge


Mahankal tample in NAGARKOT

POI has no name
POI types: amenity-place_of_worship-hindu
OSM data version: 2017-08-17T15:51:02Z

closed 1224763 MAPconcierge

POI name: 神饌所
POI types: amenity-place_of_worship-shinto
OSM data version: 2017-11-17T20:18:02Z

closed 1224761 MAPconcierge

POI name: 楼門
POI types: amenity-place_of_worship-shinto
OSM data version: 2017-11-17T20:18:02Z

closed 1224759 MAPconcierge

POI name: 門神社
POI types: amenity-place_of_worship-shinto
OSM data version: 2017-11-17T20:18:02Z

closed 649726 MAPconcierge

tomodachi (OSM data version: 2016-06-01T10:03:02Z) #mapsme

closed 662172 MAPconcierge

コワーキングスペースです。 (OSM data version: 2016-06-01T10:03:02Z) #mapsme

closed 603392 MAPconcierge

Go samui hotel (OSM data version: 2016-06-01T10:03:02Z) #mapsme

open 1562423 MAPconcierge

The place has gone or never existed. This is an auto-generated note from MAPS.ME application: a user reports a POI that is visible on a map (which can be outdated), but cannot be found on the ground.
POI name: 所沢市立老人憩いの家さくら荘
POI types: amenity-nursing_home
OSM data version: 2018-09-11T19:10:03Z

closed 1515214 MAPconcierge
