LyamAway's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by LyamAway
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
2760114 | LyamAway | fontaine/monument via StreetComplete 31.1 Attached photo(s):
2760135 | LyamAway | wc public via StreetComplete 31.1 |
2729751 | Tim SALLOIGNON | "Vide et abandonné"
2023132 | LyamAway | construction d'un parking velo couvert en cours ? |
1673236 | piste cyclable réalisée d'après prospectus CPS |
1832879 | LyamAway | ce chemin n'existe plus ? via StreetComplete 12.2 |
1566150 | LyamAway | Unable to answer "What are the collection times of this postbox?" for via StreetComplete 8.2: photo Attached photo(s):
1566142 | LyamAway | Unable to answer "What are the opening hours of Piscine municipale d'Orsay?" for via StreetComplete 8.2: photo Attached photo(s):
1563730 | LyamAway | 50m en double sens via StreetComplete 8.2 |