Luca Dorigo's Notes
Notes submitted or commented on by Luca Dorigo
Id | Creator | Description | Created at | Last changed | |
2930759 | Luca Dorigo | Unable to answer "What type of barrier is this?" for via StreetComplete 37.0: rimosso Attached photo(s):
2930760 | Luca Dorigo | Unable to answer "What can be left here for recycling?" for via StreetComplete 37.0: rimosso |
2961565 | Luca Dorigo | Strada privata, cartello all'ingresso via StreetComplete 38.1 |
2940098 | Luca Dorigo | accesso solo residenti. v max 20 kmh via StreetComplete 37.1 |
2922420 | Luca Dorigo | Unable to answer "What kind of parking is this?" for via StreetComplete 37.0: cantiere in corso |
2922421 | Luca Dorigo | Unable to answer "What surface does this piece of road have?" for via StreetComplete 37.0: cantiere in corso |
2185079 | Qualcuno sa cos’era questo? Sono stato a vedere e c’è una specie di rudere (si intravede la pianta) e una baracca in lamiera distrutta. |
2930741 | Luca Dorigo | Unable to answer "What can be left here for recycling?" for via StreetComplete 37.0: rimosso |
2935967 | Luca Dorigo | su tutta la strada dei quattro venti vige limite di peso a 3 t via StreetComplete 37.1 |
2922425 | Luca Dorigo | Unable to answer "Is there a waste basket at the bus stop Via Aquileia / Zoletti?" for via StreetComplete 37.0: fermata soppressa |