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Loshu's Notes

Notes submitted or commented on by Loshu

Id Creator Description Created at Last changed
closed 2225193 skorbut

An dieser Strasse fehlen diverse Geschäfte.

open 3289119 Loshu

Unable to answer "What are the opening hours here?" for via StreetComplete 45.1:

Hoarding up building work, partial use as warehouse?

closed 2432511 nurdafur

die Wege verlaufen ein wenig anders. Auf dem Luftbild 2018 ist es noch nicht zu sehen.

closed 2523196 Loshu

porta cabins gone

via StreetComplete 29.1

closed 2517213 Loshu

Is there a path here?

closed 2409611 Loshu

check building outline

via StreetComplete 25.1

closed 2409612 Loshu

Unable to answer "What kind of building is this?" for via StreetComplete 25.1:

no building

closed 2167041 Loshu

small utility building

closed 2152745 Loshu

2.5 m 20 mph

closed 2152744 Loshu

missing apartment